
Headless Course Creation

Headless course creation provides a way to create and manage rich learning content from within your own platform. Note that this feature is only available on certain plans. Please contact us if you are interested in this feature.

The typical flow for headless course creation is as follows:

Display the course editor to your user.

Get a signed URL using the signed URL endpoint using the edit action. This will return a URL for you to embed into your application using an <iframe>.

You can also optionally pass a id query parameter to this endpoint to open a specific course or pass no id to open a new course. You can also pass a flow parameter to this endpoint to open the course editor in a specific flow such as ai to open the generate with AI flow or transform to open the transform a document flow.

Your users can edit the course using the Coassemble interface. When the user makes updates to the course, the course updates are handled internally by the Coassemble application.